Freitag, 20. Juli 2007

Tenacious D and the pick of Destiny

Welcome to the first review!
So today I'm going to talk you through "Tenacious D and the pick of Destiny".

Wow. What a name! And where to start!

So, what we have here, is a very nice little flick about the famous - or perhaps 'obnoxious' might be the more appropriate word- band formed by Jack Black and Kyle Gass.

It's definitively a comedy, playing largely on absurdities (as we know them from former Jack Black movies) and obscenities. I like obscenities, you see, it's always hilarious to 'shock' the audience with vulgarities which apparently have no limits.

This concept works very well throughout the movie, and it's also - apart from beeing a comedy - a music movie.
This part mostly focuses on some kind of weird melange between classic/glam hard rock and acoustic guitar impromptus. I like them.

So, in this movie, JB (Jack Black) has the dream of becoming the best Rockmusician EVER.

To achieve this task, he sets out to find Hollywood, and once arrived, teams up with KG (Kyle Gass). This latter individual does not see the high conception behind JBs plan and tries to 'train' him (very funny scenes indeed). But despite rigorous (penis-based) training sessions both of them fail to have a huge success.

Accidentally they discover that all really successful bands possessed the POD (Pick of Destiny).

So they seek the said pick, which can be found in a Rock and Roll museum, where they break in, and get the pod.

So the story doesn't give much, but what makes this movie really nice (apart from the fun you'd expect from a comedy) are basically three things:

A) The overall acting is far better than most of the acting I've seen this year.

B) There are some cool cameo appearances, including Meat Loaf, Ronnie James Dio (as himself) and Ben Stiller. (And Tim Robbins as the stranger.)

C) The transitions between the chapters. Those are based on the Raider-Waite Tarot and ressemble a lot the old transitions the Monty Pythons troupe used.

The music is also nice. The movie has enough drive to get you through some of the more lengthy passages (which are also there).

There's just one flaw, but that one is major.

Anyone remember Wayne's World? Any movie-comedy flick is going to be related to those masterpieces. And Wayne's World OWNS Tenacious D. Especially considering the cameo appearances, and the music.

But anyway, I personally had a blast watching it, I've waited for years for such a movie. So go and rent it:)

Hope you liked that review. Cya soon:)

IMDB - Link: Yes
DVD available: Yes
Melpomene/Thalia rating: 7.5/10 (7.5 out of 10)

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